Mid-Term Turmoil

As we approach the mid-term elections across the nation this week, there has been much angst about the likely outcomes and what they would mean. Which party will win? Which candidate is best? Are those policies we can live with just to be rid of the current disastrous administration (where applicable)? If the replacement makes things worse, we’ll be stuck with them until the next election or their unlikely impeachment. Elections are confusing, and politicians even more so. I’m not about to tell you or anyone how to vote, but I would like to encourage everyone to remember that regardless of the outcomes, we are all still American’s the following day.

Some people will be thrilled with the results, others very angry. Opinions will undoubtedly be launched on all social media platforms on both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between. Remember, though, that we only have elections because our ancestors and forefathers fought hard for the freedom to elect whomever they wanted. Now it’s our job to make sure that freedom remains. Vote for whomever you feel will serve the communities interests best. From more minor local positions to governorships, a solid and collaborative team is necessary to keep our country moving forward. By forward, I am not referring to any particular political agenda but to the direction itself. Think of human steering wheels if you like. If you turn it too far to the left or right, the vehicle just goes in circles. When the steering wheel is held straight, the vehicle moves steadily forward. The same can be said for political directions. Extremes are rarely ideal, but moderation often is.

If you find it challenging to decide on a candidate, head to your local library. The librarians can point you to unbiased information and help you make a more informed choice. Then, on election day, remember those who came before you to ensure those who came after them would have the freedom to choose their politicians.

By Gretchen Hendrick Gardella, MLIS

Gretchen Hendrick Gardella is a Librarian with administrative, research, and vast technical skills. Ms. Gardella brings over 16 years of experience working in academic and public libraries to the discussion.